The Last Story
To mark the 16 Days of Activism Campaign, SIT- Center for Counseling, Social Services and Research will commemorate the victims of Femicide (killing of a woman or a girl on account of her gender) in the last years in Kosovo (2015-2019), through a three-day event called “The Last Story”.
The activity will last from 25 until 27 November 2019, and will start in front of the Parliament Building of the Republic of Kosovo.
Stories of women victims of femicide will be placed in Prishtina`s main square and people walking through it will have the opportunity to read these stories in order to have a glimpse of the violence women in Kosovo experience throughout a year, year after year.
These stories will answer the questions “Who? When? How? What?, through this we also hope to send a message to our media outlets that these are the questions that matter when reporting violence against women and not the question “Why?” – because there are no excuses for violence!
As part of the installation, there will be a “Public Commitment” Declaration where all of us pledge to be active against violence to girls and women.
The declaration will be open to all for signature.
16 Days of Activism is part of the project “Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality and Preventing Violence and Extremism among Youth in the Balkans” implemented by CARE International Balkans in partnership with SIT – Center for Counseling, Social Services and Research and YMCA në Kosovë supported by the Agjencioni Austriak për Zhvillim (ADA), Oak Foundation, and the Embassy of Sweden in Pristina.