SIT and Synergy!

SIT in cooperation with the partner Омладински eдукативни клуб Синергија from North Mitrovica delivered food and hygiene kits to families in need in four municipalities: Kamenica, Fushë Kosovë, North Mitrovica, and South Mitrovica.

Throughout this process of distributing packages and visiting families, all the recommendations given by the National Institute of Public Health for protection from Covid-19 were followed.

This activity is part of the project “To enhance conflict resilience in regard to the COVID-19 emergency” which is being implemented by Омладински eдукативни клуб Синергија and SIT. This project is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida – Styrelsen för Internationellt Utvecklingssamarbete) and supported by Danish Refugee Council (DRC).

#DRC #SIDA #mentalhealth #covid19 #SITandThink #YECSynergy #conflictresilience #mentalhygiene
