Happy International Youth Day from the young men and women of SIT !
Unable to meet, have fun and learn together, this year for Youth Day we are sharing with you some wishes and messages from the young men and women engaged in our organization. On each anniversary, we reflect on how far we have come to engage our youth and what we need to do to further empower them for the common good of the community. An active and inclusive youth in the community, brings equality and positive change in every community!
Here are some of the youth workers and SIT staff with their messages and wishes for Youth Day!
These posts are part of the project “Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality and the Prevention of Youth Extremism and Violence in the Balkans”, implemented by CARE International Balkans in partnership with SIT and YMCA në Kosovë dhe mbështetur nga Agjencioni Austriak për Zhvillim, dhe Fondacioni OAK.
YMI – Young Men Initiative #CareInternational #CARE #AustriaDevelopmentAgency #OAKFoundation