Empowering Kosovo’s Youth for Intra-community Cohesion
The primary objective of the project “Empowering Kosovo’s Youth for Intra-community Cohesion” is to enhance the skills of Kosovo’s youth, including minority groups, for intra-community cohesion and the creation of peaceful and inclusive societies. To achieve this goal, SIT will empower Kosovo’s youth as social entrepreneurs, enabling them to combat stereotypes and ethnic-based prejudices. This initiative aims to foster these young advocates to enhance community resilience to conflict and promote harmonious coexistence. Additionally, SIT will equip these young leaders with vital skills in soft skills, communication, project management, and budget planning. Ultimately, our goal is for them to develop pilot projects aligned with doughnut economics methodology, which will, in turn, bolster job opportunities for Kosovo’s youth. This is a two-year project and will work with 80 young people from Prishtina/Pristina and Mitrovica/ë regions. The main results of the projects are: 4 pilot projects, 6 community-based initiatives, 4 Walls of Connections and SIT and Talk debates, 1 Great Minds Meeting
This project is implemented by SIT supported by the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and financed by the Swedish Agency for Development and International Cooperation, represented by the Swedish Embassy in Kosovo (Sida).