Prevention and intervention against violent extremism

It is widely accepted that the best institutional response to violent extremism is prevention using modern approaches based on the science of cognition and communication, rather than sanctions or law enforcement approaches.

Given the importance of this topic, during the last weekend, on 19 and 20 September SIT held the training “Prevention and intervention against violent extremism”. The trainers of this training were Dr. Fabian Zhilla and M.A. Bledar Zeneli. The training was held with professionals from different fields and public institutions, while the participants of the second day were students of the Faculty of Law and the Department of Social Work.

Through presentations, individual and group work, numerous discussions and real cases, the participants became aware and also understood the process of radicalization in general, as well as in specific contexts. They also learned how to recognize some of the first signs that individuals that are  vulnerable can have, the specific tools needed to provide psychosocial support to individuals, young people, families and communities – directly or indirectly – affected by this phenomenon as well as the participants practiced the instruments to properly respond to the phenomenon of radicalization and violent extremism. 

We hope that the training had a positive impact on the participants and we look forward to seeing the results from this training. We also thank the coaches for their readiness and contribution!

This training was held within the project “Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality and the Prevention of Youth Extremism and Violence in the Balkans”, implemented by CARE International Balkans në partneritet me SIT – Qendra për Këshillim, Shërbime Sociale dhe Hulumtime dhe YMCA në Kosovë and supported by the Agjencioni Austriak për Zhvillim, dhe Fondacioni OAK.

YMI – Young Men Initiative #CareInternational #CARE #AustriaDevelopmentAgency #OAKFoundation
