SIT and Talk: Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health in Kosovo

SIT and Talk: Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health in Kosovo | September 18, 4PM | University of Prishtina Campus

Since we haven’t met for a long time, we are inviting you to our SIT meeting where we will talk about sexual and reproductive health in young people in Kosovo together with our guest, Dr. Zarife Miftari from UNFPA in Kosovo.

Among other areas affected by the pandemic worldwide, one of them is the sexual and reproductive health that our guest will tell us more by giving us a worldwide perspective, but also by talking about the development of this issue in Kosovo during the pandemic.

📍 The meeting will be held on Friday, September 18, 2020, at 4PM at the University of Prishtina Campus.

ℹ️ Because of COVID-19 regulations, the maximum number of participants is 15 and all of them should have masks and keep the physical distance.

🤩 Come join us, invite your friends and let’s spend some time together!

This activity is realized within the project “Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality and the Prevention of Youth Extremism and Violence in the Balkans”, implemented by CARE International Balkans in partnership with SIT and YMCA në Kosovë and supported by the Agjencioni Austriak për Zhvillim, dhe Fondacioni OAK.

YMI – Young Men Initiative #CareInternational #CARE #AustriaDevelopmentAgency #OAKFoundation
