Youth Voices, Youth Choices
“Youth Voices, Youth Choices” project aims to create more accessible and youth-friendly SRH services and information in and beyond emergency situations, building on young people’s (age 14-30) sexual, reproductive, and maternal health (SRH) needs and experiences during COVID-19 crisis, with special attention to those most vulnerable in 5 countries in the Western Balkan region: Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Kosovo, and North Macedonia.
The IPPF EN Regional Office (IPPF ENRO) will manage the overall project coordination, supported by a researcher that will develop the research methodology and lead the data analysis. A youth-centered approach will be at the center of the project. Experts from different sectors (health care providers, decision-makers, young people) will support the development of recommendations at the national and regional levels. The research and its recommendations will form the basis for the communication and advocacy initiatives.
Building on the proposed performance indicators, through consultation with project partners during the inception phase, the IPPF European Network Regional Office (IPPF ENRO) will set specific targets for each indicator.
This 30-month project (2021-2023) will be implemented by the IPPF European Network Regional Office (IPPF ENRO), 4 IPPF Member Associations (MAs): ACPD Albania, Association XY Bosnia, BFPA Bulgaria, HERA North Macedonia, and one local partner (SIT Kosovo). Project partners will leverage their expertise, experience, and reputation in their contexts to drive impact and with IPPF providing expert technical input drawn from its global reach and knowledge. The project will use a holistic and evidence-based approach and apply it to multiple fronts necessary to bring about change. It targets primarily young people, with special attention to those living in rural settings and unfavorable social conditions such as Roma, but also policy and decision-makers as main stakeholders impacting the SRHR of young people.
Main GOAL: Building on young people’s (age 14-30) sexual, reproductive, and maternal health (SRH) needs and experiences during the COVID-19 crisis, SRH services and information are more accessible and youth-friendly in and beyond emergency situations, with special attention to those most vulnerable in 5 countries in the Western Balkan region.
Objective 1: Knowledge – Increased understanding of young people’s SRH needs during the COVID-19 crisis, especially those living in remote areas and in unfavorable social conditions (e.g. Roma), including the perspectives of health care providers and decision-makers, and relevant legal and policy environment and emerging practices.
Objective 2: Youth Power – Young people involved in the project are empowered to advocate for increased access to SRH services, information, and education in line with their needs.
Objective 3: Partnerships, communications, and advocacy – Policy and decision-makers have increased commitment to friendly and accessible SRH services and information for young people, including in periods of crisis and with a focus on those living in remote areas and/or unfavorable social conditions (e.g. Roma)
The “Youth Voices, Youth Choices” project is managed by the IPPF European Network, implemented by regional partners, and supported by the Merck for Mothers Global Giving Program.