Counseling for Prevention (C4P)
“Counseling for Prevention” project aims to combat violence against women and girls by working in primary and tertiary prevention. We aim to achieve this through piloting counseling sessions with Domestic Violence and Gender-Based Violence perpetrators.
Through this project we will also work with stakeholders working in this field, including public institutions and NGOs who work to push forward changes in legislation and including mandatory legal services for perpetrators of DV and GBV, based on the Istanbul Convention requirements.
Another objective of this project is to raise awareness on the role of men on combating DV and GBV, and on the effective psycho-social programs for perpetrators in Kosovo.
This project will also make an assessment of the current available programs of working with perpetrators, mapping institution services on working with perpetrators, and needs assessments for local coordination mechanism on working with perpetrators.
The “Counseling for Prevention” project is implemented by SIT – Center for Counseling, Social Services and Research, and supported by UNFPA in Kosovo.