Enhancing Youth Voice for Diversity and Inclusion
YOUTH INC. started on December 1, and apart from Kosovo 5 partners (NGOs and youth led organisations) from Hungary, Romania, Germany, Egypt, Albania and Israel will work together to increase the quality, perception and capacity of youth workers, and young people through Learning for diversity and inclusion.
During the 24-month project period partners will develop (1) a training module for 154 youth workers introducing tools for social dialogue on the importance of diverse societies, communities and (2) a Project Based Learning (PBL) module) involving 540 young people (ages of 16-25) by reinforcing critical thinking, exploring anti-racism, minorities, diversity and inclusion.
In the PBL partners will include activities based on the Council, the Community Inquiry, the Open spaces for dialogue and enquiry methods. Partners also will support youth workers and youth groups in the realization of 3-3 local actions in all 6 countries following these steps: 1. mapping exercise on unknown local heroines and heroes, whose importance is not acknowledged by the society; 2. inviting applications of youth groups to design memorials for these heroines/heroes; 3. Selected designs will be set up virtually, involving digital technology; 4. Virtual monuments will be inaugurated via ceremonial events; 5. Decision makers, youth groups, rep. of minorities, local citizens and media will be invited to these ceremonies.
Roundtables will be initiated for policy dialogue among stakeholders. International meetings will provide opportunities for multipliers to learn about the shared methods, materials. Materials will be available in 7 languages (English, Hungarian, Romanian, German., Albanian, Hebrew, Arab).
To promote the project and results partners will create subsites on their websites ans share the results on EACEA and SALTO platforms reaching the min. of 100.000 people in the 6 partner countries and beyond, due to online events (esp. webinars). All virtual monuments will be published on an internat. online platform (www.izi.travel/en).