Together for a green Prishtina!

It is time for the new generations to start contributing for more environmentally friendly cities. If this is something that interests you and would want to be part of this process, join us in this call.

SIT, together with the Municipality of Prishtina and The Innovation in Politics Institute in Vienna, are bringing one of the biggest events in Prishtina that unites youth, civil society organizations and the Municipality of Prishtina by engaging young people in creating a more environmentally friendly city!

This two-day event will bring together young people from the region of Prishtina, environmental and youth experts from Kosovo and Europe, representatives from the Municipality of Prishtina and representatives of civil society in Kosovo! This event is an adaptation of the format of the conference “Act Now” in Vienna, which is now coming to Pristina!

If you would like to contribute from the very first steps of this project, join us in our focus groups discussions with renowned guest speakers.

Deadline for the application is 25 August, 2020.

The link to apply in ALB:

The link to apply in ENG:

#SITandThink #GreenPrishtinaNow #ActNOW #FocusGroups
