Poke the Bubble
Poke the Bubble project aims to enhance the capacities of local youth work CSO professional groups from Serbia and Kosovo in order for them to be effective and accountable independent actors, able to engage young men and women from the region in creating good neighborhood relations by focusing on the issues of the mutual importance. There is going to be an initiated network of CSO professional groups from Serbia and Kosovo to implement innovative youth work outreach methodology on addressing gender equality with young men and women from the most underdeveloped areas. In the meantime, there will be created possibilities for young people from the most underdeveloped urban and rural areas in Serbia and Kosovo for a proactive approach to addressing gender roles, norms, gender equality, and other youth-related themes at all community levels.
Around 120 representatives of CSO professional groups from Serbia and Kosovo will participate in networking initiatives and capacity building, out of which 20 will implement innovative outreach youth work in the most deprived urban and rural areas. Through merged cross-border CSOs’ professional expertise, there will be developed and evaluated innovative gender mobile youth clubs in the region, which will be responsible for informing at least 5000 young men and women within the youth community on social media about how gender equality themes influence personal and social life and development. Moreover, the network of CSOs will outreach young people in underdeveloped areas with an active approach to addressing local youth needs, life skills (soft & basic digital skills), gender roles, gender norms, and gender equality issues.