MenEngage meeting in Sevilla, Spain

Buongiorno from beautiful Sevilla where the meeting of friends and organizations that are members of the MenEngage Network took place throughout last week.

Finally, after many meetings online, the MenEngage Europe organized the long-awaited meeting where organizations from all across Europe could present their current projects, future projects, and things that they are mainly working on.

During the first day, the SIT team along with Men Engage Europe was also participating in the demonstration “Men Against Violence Against Women” where the main subjects were men learning about gender equality and going against domestic and sexual violence, which has been a big indicator throughout recent times in Spain.

Throughout the meeting, a conference regarding feminism called “feminists atone” was also held on the campus of Sevilla with discussions as to how men should be more aware and learn more about domestic and sexual violence and sexual abuse.

During this time, there were also open space sessions in which brainstorming about advocacy building, social engineering, Intersectional feminist approaches, Feminist Systems Change, Accountability and Inner Work, ally-ship, and movement building for social change. Also, topics were discussed such as caring masculinities, LGBTQI+ engagement in youth, Advocacy on European level on Men Issues, Being Allies with Climate Change Movements, and Sexual Education.

#SITandThink #MenEngage
