Marking the International Day of the Girl Child

We marked the International Day of the Girl Child with the student representatives of Isa Boletini High School in Podujeva!

We had the honor to listen and discuss with our guests: ms. Ulrika Richardson from UN Kosovo Team, ms. Sangit Salakari- vice ambassador in the Finnish Embassy in Kosova, Dr. Visare Mujko- Nimani from the UNFPA in Kosova and the city mayor of Podujeva- mr. Nexhmi Rudari for the importance of education, empowerment and the challenges girls in our society face. Together we watched the video made by the girl’s peers from different communities and distributed some packages filled with school supplies to the participants. 

Through such initiatives working with our partners for many years now, we are working for the development, empowerment and the emancipation of girls to achieve a healthy and equal society. 
