Fathers Festival

Fathers Festival in Kosovo is the first of its kind. This festival aims to inspire fathers to be more attentive and actively involved in the education of their children, to start conversations about the importance of fatherhood, with a special focus on advocacy for parental leave, and communicate as an example of an equal society. The festival includes a campaign online and in the media, advocacy through debates, positive workshops for fatherhood, quizzes, games, videos, and different kinds of interactive activities.

This festival is to be held on Friday, November 27 2020 in Kids Galaxy with 10 couples and their 6-12-year-old children participating. Each family will have their respective room, therefore we will meet the Anti-Covid measures instructed by competent institutions.

The Fathers Festival is implemented by SIT within the 16 Days of Activism and is supported by UNFPA Kosovo, Municipality of Prishtina, CARE International Balkans, Austrian Development Agency, and Oak Foundation.
