“Polling Research Street Action”
Out of 400 high school students, 99% rated drug prevention and alcohol abuse as the most important educational topic, while out of 700 respondents, 90% rated gender equality as the most important topic.
These and other data are presented today, on 30th of June, in “Skënderbeu” square in the activity called “Polling Research Street Action” held by Klubi Bonu Burrë and SIT. The data are from the research conducted in the Western Balkans upon the inclusion of Life Skills as a subject in high schools.
This activity is realized within the project “Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality and the Prevention of Youth Extremism and Violence in the Balkans”, implemented by CARE International Balkans in partnership with SIT – Center for Counseling, Social Services and Research and YMCA in Kosovo and supported by Austrian Development Agency, and Oak Foundation.